Third Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance - Enhancing coherence and coordination of forest financing

Issues related to finance for forests: an overview

09:30-10:00 Opening Plenary
  Opening and welcome by the SCF co-chairs
Opening remarks by the Mr. Maesela Kekana, Department of Environmental Affairs, South Africa
Opening remarks by Mr. Eduardo Mansur, FAO
10:00-10:45 Session 1

The forest finance landscape
The state of forest finance: overview of trends in type and volume of financial flow, key actors (including recipients, donors and investors), schemes and instruments utilized, and activities financed

10:45-12:00 Session 2
How can we enhance coherence and coordination in the delivery of finance for forests?
Financial opportunities and challenges in forest finance: REDD-Plus finance, finance for the sustainable management of forests, and financing of activities that impact on forests

12:00-12:15 BREAK
12:15-13:30 Session 3
How can we best use public finance for forests to support mitigation of, and adaptation, to climate change?
Public funding has been the major source of financing for forest activities, but in the face of resource constraints and more complex issues on the ground, how can public funding both for climate mitigation and adaptation better be used in forest activities?

13:30-14:45 BREAK
14:45-16:00 Session 4
How can private finance be mobilized and utilized for climate mitigation and adaptation in the forest and land sectors?
Looking at the growing flow of private finance for REDD-Plus and other forest and land related activities: What schemes and instruments have worked? What can we learn from the existing practices for scaling up? How can national entities be more coordinated in terms of mobilizing REDD-plus finance and other types of forest finance, and what policy frameworks need to be in place? What role has public finance played, or could play, to catalyze shifts in private finance for mitigation and adaptation in forest activities?

16:00-16:15 BREAK
16:15-18:00 Session 5
Break out group discussions on:
1. Results-based payments;
2. The provision of financial resources for alternative approaches.

Introductory presenters
18:00-18:30 Wrap-up for Day 1

Financing for forests, taking into account different policy approaches: case studies

09:00-09:30 Opening Plenary
Recap of day 1 and introduction of day 2
09:30-10:50 Session 8
How can we enhance coherence and coordination of forest finance to ensure all forest benefits are achieved? Sharing experience of collaborative initiatives amongst international public and private financing entities and implementing organizations/ communities in developing countries on forest programs and projects that contribute to climate mitigation and adaptation, as well as produce other ecological, social and economic benefits

10:50-11:15 BREAK
11:15-12:30 Session 9
1. Experience with use of resources/the transfer of payments for results-based approaches;
2. Experience with the provision of financial resources for alternative approaches (including JMA).

Generating deeper understanding on/highlighting:
1. How could international and national financing entities better align their policies and investment priorities with the Warsaw REDD-Plus framework and further support readiness of developing countries to implement results-based actions, including through the consideration of non-carbon benefits? How can the most sustainable approaches (as regards preventing leakage and reversals) be promoted and rewarded?

2. Technical issues associated with existing and emerging systems for transferring payments under results-based finance (for example how “results” are defined, timelines and formats for reporting, disbursement triggers, agreed processes and conditions, fiduciary requirements, restrictions on use of funding, transfer to longer-term finance models).

3. Existing experiences with various domestic policy approaches to attract and utilize forest finance.

4. Joint mitigation and adaptation aspects in forest activities: how can they be enhanced, what support should be mobilized for them and how?

Introductory presenters
12:30-13:00 Report-back
Reporting back from break-out groups
13:00-14:00 BREAK
14:00-15:00 Session 11
Scaling up finance for forests: How to bank on joint public-private schemes
Best practices and case studies from different countries showcasing different types of forest mitigation and adaptation activities. What have practitioners and governments learned from their experiences, both good and bad? What are the challenges in replicating and scaling up? Is there a role for demand side measures?

15:00-15:30 BREAK
15:30-16:30 Session 12
Two breakout groups:
1. Making the most of private sector contributions
2. Financing schemes and instruments for REDD-plus and other forest activities: what works/doesn’t work
